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Mary College-Arizona-Walk

Membership Benefits and Fees

Mary College at ASU Membership

ASU students access Mary College benefits through a Mary College at ASU membership. The cost of a Mary College at ASU membership for 2023-24 is $925 per semester, which includes: 

  • Explore the Catholic imaginative vision with up to 19 academic credits on the Mary College at ASU exchange

  • Encounter the grandeur of ancient Rome and walk the medieval streets of Assisi on our faculty-led study pilgrimage

  • Deepen friendships through excursions (including professional sporting events and the Grand Canyon)

  • Grow in the interior life through an icon writing retreat on our campus

  • Enjoy after-hour privileges in the study library

  • Relax in our members’ hospitality loft with complimentary refreshments

  • Receive eligibility to apply for the Desert Rose Scholarship

Students who complete a minor in Catholic studies (19 credits) at Mary College may remain members of the community at no cost and take courses at a cost per credit rate. These students are invited to the University of Mary on an all-expense-paid trip to participate in the Catholic studies seminar. Additionally, students who earn a minor in Catholic studies are eligible for a scholarship valued at over $1,700 for continuing their education with a graduate degree from the University of Mary.

Students may take courses at Mary College without a membership at a cost of $630 per credit.


Desert Rose Scholarship

The Mary College at ASU Desert Rose Scholarship is a financial needs-based scholarship allowing financially limited students access to the opportunities and privileges of a Mary College membership. 

Portrait of
Mary College is the highlight of being an ASU student! This program has taught me so many lessons and skills I can use for the rest of my life! I have made close friends through Mary College and have discovered new passions. 10/10 on the Mary College at ASU experience.”
— Chyanne Echeverria, class of '25