Courses at Mary College
Through Mary College at ASU, students can participate in the Catholic studies adventure while fulfilling ASU’s degree requirements. Mary College also offers students the opportunity to earn a minor or major in Catholic studies from University of Mary faculty. Students who successfully complete a major in Catholic studies receive two degrees upon their graduation from ASU: one from ASU, and another from the University of Mary.
Students who successfully complete a minor in Catholic studies are offered special scholarship opportunities for graduate degrees at the University of Mary. See our guides below to plan out how your Catholic adventure and ASU degree can be pursued together.
Catholic Studies Program
The Catholic tradition has long been interested in discovering how all of reality fits together. Recognizing that we exist within an epic drama initiated by God’s act of creation, the Catholic tradition is willing to explore all questions and academic disciplines. For this reason, our Catholic studies program explores theology, philosophy, literature, art, culture, and history side-by-side to plumb the depths of human existence and God’s plan for salvation.
Because it is concerned with exploring the Catholic vision of the world and discovering how all things are connected, Catholic studies naturally complements and pairs with all academic disciplines and professions. No matter what a student’s academic major is, Catholic studies will enliven his or her experience and shed new light on the most exciting questions of human existence.
ASU General Studies Requirements
Courses taken through Mary College fulfill ASU general studies requirements and count towards scholarship renewal and financial aid eligibility. Students who started at ASU before the Fall 2024 semester are subject to General Studies Maroon requirements. Within General Studies Maroon, Mary College courses fulfill the Humanities (HU) core area, as well as all three awareness areas: Historical (H), Global (G), and Cultural Diversity in the United States (C). Students who started at ASU during the Fall 2024 semester or later are subject to General Studies Gold requirements. Within General Studies Gold, Mary College courses fulfill Humanities, Arts and Design (HUAD), Global Communities, Societies and Individuals (GCSI), and Governance and Civic Engagement (CIVI) requirements. Our courses also fulfill religious studies, philosophy, and general elective requirements.
Previous Course Schedules
Mary College at ASU is an experience I will never forget. There were so many opportunities both with Mary College and ASU, and the relationships I made here were supportive and substantial.”